type a examples

click on each image to view the full sized version of the reference sheet

type B examples

click on each image to view the full sized version of the reference sheet

type c examples

click on each image to view the full sized version of the reference sheet

type D examples

click on each image to view the full sized version of the reference sheet

styled cards

click on each image to view the full sized version of the reference sheet

requests are closed

ready to get a custom preset? here are the steps that you’ll need to take to begin our creative process together!

  • I have a specially crafted google form with questions that will help guide you towards letting me know what you’re looking for a in preset.

    It’s a little long, but feel free to go into as much (or as little!) detail as you’d like. The more information you give me, the better shot I’d have at creating something perfect for you!

  • After you’ve submitted your form, send me a DM on Discord (Alessa#1043)! This will be our main means of communication and I’ll be sending all updates here.

    At this stage, I’ll also be checking to see if you’d like to send me your character dat / chara / cma file, or a screenshot of the character creation screen so I can get a good idea of the skintone & coloring.

  • All pictures of your preset will be sent via discord. I’ll usually take a couple of test shots at different times of the day / weather conditions.

    This would be the best time to provide feedback and let me know if you’d like anything to be tweaked.

  • once you’re happy with the way your preset looks, payment can be made via my ko-fi. once this is done, I’ll zip everything up and send it to you.

note: requests are not always first come, first served.

i might choose to decline your request for various reasons (eg i don’t think i can do your request justice / i don’t have the time etc). if this happens, please feel to modify your request or try again another time.